This series was inspired by the experience of living indoors without sunlight, rethinking the relationship between light and life.
The beginning of life originates in water, therefore water can carry an infinite amount of life energy.
"Liquid light" is the source of life, and the source of all energy and power, which can be transported through many pipes and channels to maintain civilization in an underground world.
Photosphere, 2022
1090 x 780 mm, opaque watercolor
"Light" is the source of life, and the source of al energy and power, which can be transported through many pipes and channels to maintain civilization in an underground world.
Maintenance, 2022
18x25cm, opaque watercolor,clipping
Outside, 2022
37x 26cm, opaque watercolor, clipping
The image on the left illustrates that a researcher builds the
mechanism of this city's core, the prototype of the photosphere. Moreover, it demonstrates the importance of science in that
The prototype, 2022,
18x25cm, opaque watercolor
More details show that humans live here who they are, including the process of body modification and how they used the "liquid light" to survive.In terms of character modeling, there are some differences between maintainer and researcher, such as the device and the sole.
Cyborg 2022
18x25cm, opaque watercolor,clipping
The image on the left illustrates that a researcher builds the
mechanism of this city's core, the prototype of the photosphere. Moreover, it demonstrates the importance of science in that
The prototype, 2022,